Friday, April 24, 2009


Couple days ago I watched FOOD TV Unwrap , they talk about how popular monkey bread is in America. I wonder what is " MONKEY BREAD" it's such a funny name. After watching the show I realize that Monkey Bread is similar to Cinnamon buns but they are different, monkey bread are made into small piece and we must use our fingers to pull each of the bread apart to eat like MONKEY .....I was very curious so I google the recipe. FOOD TV - MONKEY BREAD

I follow the recipe very closely except for the sugar and butter. I cut back on the sugar and butter because I don't like too much sweet ....

Now just pull apart and eat , the bread very light and soft ..
Bây giờ thì bóc từng miếng thử thôi , bánh nhẹ mềm rất ngon .

Wait for few min and turn up side down .
Đợi vài phút rồi úp ngược khuôn ra .

After bake 20-25'
Sau khi nướng 20' -25'

After rise 1h
Sau khi ủ 1h nữa thì bánh nổi như vầy .

Before rise
Sau khi ủ bột 1h thì lấy ra vò viên hoặc cắt khúc cho vào khuôn như vầy .

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